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Neural network layer/op support

Below is a list of all TFLite 'ops' (operations or neural network layer types) that are supported by the inference engine. The main data-type of the inference engine is quantized 8-bit integers ('INT8'), which should be used for best performance. Additionally, many ops, including the most common ones, are also available in quantized 16-bit ('INT16'). Some supporting ops are also available in non-quantized 32-bit integer ('INT32') or 32-bit floating-point ('FLOAT32') mode. These supporting ops are typically only used for simple index or shape computations.

For some ops below there are certain conditions for which a certain data-type is supported. This can depend on the op parameters for example. Those conditions are mentioned in the 'Notes' column and/or will be checked at run-time. More details for each TFLite op type can be found on the TFLite MLIR website.

We group the ops in these types to make the long table a bit easier to parse:

  • NN layer: A neural network layer, typically only available in quantized INT8
  • NN activation: A neural network activation function
  • Math op: A mathematical support op, typically only available in FLOAT32
  • Support op: Any other support operation, used e.g. for indexing or reshaping
TFlite op/layer name Type INT8 (quantized) INT16 (quantized) INT32 FLOAT32 Notes
Abs Math op
Add NN layer
AddN NN layer
ArgMax Support op Output is always INT32
ArgMin Support op Output is always INT32
AssignVariable Support op Supports any data-type
AveragePool2D NN layer
BatchToSpaceNd Support op
BroadcastArgs Support op
BroadcastTo Support op Supports any data-type
CallOnce Support op Supports any data-type
Cast Support op
Ceil Math op
CircularBuffer Support op
Concatenation Support op
Conv2D NN layer
Cos Math op
CumSum Support op
DepthToSpace Support op
DepthwiseConv2D NN layer
Dequantize Support op
DetectionPostProcess NN layer
Div NN layer
Elu NN activation
Equal Support op Also supports bools and INT64
Exp Math op
ExpandDims Support op
EmbeddingLookup Support op
Fill Support op
Floor Math op
FloorDiv Math op
FloorMod Math op
FullyConnected NN layer
Gather Support op With INT32 coordinates
GatherNd Support op With INT32 coordinates
Greater Support op Also supports INT64
GreaterEqual Support op Also supports INT64
HardSwish NN activation
If Support op Supports any data-type
L2Normalization NN layer
L2Pool2D NN layer
LeakyRelu NN activation
Less Support op Also supports INT64
LessEqual Support op Also supports INT64
Log Math op
LogicalAnd Bool support Boolean only
LogicalNot Bool support Boolean only
LogicalOr Bool support Boolean only
Logistic Math op
Maximum Support op Also supports INT64
MaxPool2D NN layer
MirrorPad Support op
Mean Support op
Minimum Support op Also supports INT64
Mul NN layer INT32 mode is quantized
Neg Math op
NotEqual Support op Also supports bools and INT64
Pack Support op Also supports INT64
Pad Support op
PadV2 Support op
Prelu NN activation
Quantize Support op
ReadVariable Support op Supports any data-type
ReduceMax Support op
Relu NN activation
Relu6 NN activation
Reshape Support op Also supports bools and INT64
ResizeBilinear Support op
ResizeNearestNeighbor Support op
ReverseV2 Support op Also supports bools and INT64
Round Math op
Rsqrt Math op
SelectV2 Support op
Shape Shape op
Sin Math op
Slice Support op
Softmax NN activation
SpaceToBatchNd Support op
SpaceToDepth Support op
Split Support op
SplitV Support op
SquaredDifference Math op
Squeeze Support op Supports any data-type
Sqrt Math op
Square Math op
StridedSlice Support op
Sub NN layer
Sum NN layer
Svdf NN layer
Tanh NN activation
TransposeConv NN layer
Transpose Support op
Unpack Support op
UnidirectionalSequenceLSTM NN layer FLOAT32 is in hybrid mode
VarHandle Support op Supports any data-type
While Support op Supports any data-type
ZerosLike Support op Also supports INT64