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Plumerai People Detection demo on Arm/x86

This document describes the use of the people detection demo: a ready-to-run binary to evaluate the Plumerai People Detection library by running it live with a camera.

Please get in touch with our team to request the Plumerai People Detection demo package if you haven't done so yet. Note that it is merely designed as a demo for evaluation purposes, and not for production usage. For production, we offer our people detection library, as documented on, which can be integrated into your application.

This demo uses the open-source GStreamer software to capture images from a camera and displays results on your screen. The GStreamer components are not optimized for speed in any way: the demo application might run significantly slower compared to actually using the Plumerai People Detection library in a production environment.

The demo is pre-packaged for the following platforms: Linux x86-64, Linux aarch64, Linux armv7l, macOS x86-64, and macOS arm64. There is special support to run on a RaspberryPi with a PiCam camera. There is no Windows version available.

Apart from the GStreamer-based demo, we provide source code of a simple OpenCV webcam-to-display pipeline. This can be adjusted as needed for prototyping and can also serve as a demo. The documentation and source code is available in a GitHub repository.

The next pages describe how to run the GStreamer demo: