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Plumerai Error Codes

This document describes the list of error codes returned by various Plumerai functions.

The function error_code_string can be used to convert an error code to a printable string.


enum class ErrorCode {
  SUCCESS = 0,

  // Should not occur, contact Plumerai if this happens

  // Returned when a function is not available on the current platform.

  // The `delta_t` parameter should be >= 0

  // The `STATE_` error codes are only returned by
  // `VideoIntelligence::store_state` and `VideoIntelligence::restore_state`.
  // See those functions for more details.

  // The state can not be (re)stored while enrolling

  // The state could not be restored

  // The state was serialized with a different height/width than the current
  // object, or uses different familiar face identification settings.

  // This error code is only returned by `MotionDetection::get_grid`.
  // See that function for more details.

  // This is returned by `ObjectDetection::box_has_moved`,
  // `ObjectDetection::get_person_box_from_face_box` or
  // `ObjectDetection::get_face_box_from_person_box` if the argument is not a
  // valid box.

  // Returned by `DetectionZones::add_zone` or `DetectionZones::is_box_in_zone`
  // when the provided zone coordinates or zone ID have an invalid geometry,
  // such as too few or too many points.

  // Returned by `DetectionZones::is_box_in_zone` if the given zone ID is not a
  // valid zone ID as created by `add_zone`.

  // Returned by `DetectionZones::is_box_in_zone` if the given box does not
  // belong to one of the configured classes for the given detection zone, or
  // returned by `DetectionZones::add_zone` if none or invalid classes are
  // specified.

  // Returned by `DetectionZones::add_zone` if the maximum number of detection
  // zones is reached.

  // Returned when the neural network shape information is not correct.

  // This is returned by `FaceIdentification::get_person_box_from_face_box` or
  // `FaceIdentification::get_face_box_from_person_box` if the argument is not a
  // valid box.
  NO_BOX_MATCH = -14,

  // This is returned by `MotionDetection::set_grid_size` when the provided
  // grid size is invalid.

  // Starting below are all error codes related to Familiar Face Identification.
  // They have values -1000 and below.

  // Everything OK, enrollment is in progress.

  // Called `FaceEnrollmentManual::start_enrollment` but enrollment is already
  // started.

  // Last frame was ignored because multiple faces were detected within the
  // specified region of interest. Try again with one face visible.

  // Last frame was ignored because no face was detected, or it was not clearly
  // visible, or the lighting was not good enough for enrollment. Try again with
  // one face clearly visible.
  NO_FACE_IN_VIEW = -1004,

  // Last frame was ignored because the face detection was too close to the
  // edge. Too close to the edge means that the border of the face bounding-box
  // is within 2% of the edge of the image. In theory, it is OK if a face is
  // close to edge, however, it can also mean that a face is only partially
  // visible. Thus, this check is added to prevent partial faces from being
  // enrolled.

  // Called `FaceEnrollmentManual::finish_enrollment` but enrollment was not
  // started.
  NOT_ENROLLING = -1006,

  // This is returned by `FaceEnrollmentManual::finish_enrollment` when the
  // enrollment failed because no faces could be detected in any of the images.

  // This is returned by `FaceEnrollmentManual::finish_enrollment` when a face
  // embedding is returned but the quality of the enrollment is very low. In
  // this case re-enrolllment is recommended.

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentManual::add_embedding` or
  // `FaceEnrollmentManual::remove_embedding` when the provided face ID is
  // invalid.
  INVALID_FACE_ID = -1009,

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentManual::add_embedding` when the provided face
  // embedding is invalid.

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentManual::add_embedding` or
  // `FaceEnrollmentAutomatic::restore_embedding_data` when the face
  // library is full.

  // Starting below are all error codes related to Automatic Enrollment.
  // They have values -2000 and below.

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentAutomatic::remove_embedding` when the
  // provided face ID is invalid.
  UNKNOWN_FACE_ID = -2001,

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentAutomatic::get_face_snapshot` when the face
  // snapshots are disabled.

  // Returned by `FaceEnrollmentAutomatic::configure_face_snapshots` when the
  // provided settings are invalid


const char* plumerai::error_code_string(ErrorCode error_code);

Returns a string representation of an error code.


  • error_code ErrorCode: An error code.


const char*: A string representation of the error code.


auto pvi = plumerai::VideoIntelligence(height, width);

auto error_code = pvi.process_frame(...);
if (error_code != plumerai::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
  printf("ERROR: %s\n", plumerai::error_code_string(error_code));