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Plumerai Familiar Face Identification API

This document describes the API for the Familiar Face Identification functionality.

Note that the software is built with either the Automatic Enrollment option or the Manual Enrollment option enabled. This page provides documentation for both options, but at runtime only one of the two will be available.



int get_face_id(const BoxPrediction& person_box) const;

Retrieve the face ID that belongs to a person box.

Retrieves the face ID given a person box from the most recent video frame.

This function has three possible return values:

  • FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED when the provided box is not of CLASS_PERSON or when a face is not yet identified, e.g. the face is not fully visible.
  • FACE_ID_NOT_IN_LIBRARY when the face is visible but not found in the library, e.g. when a stranger is in view.
  • Any integer face-ID provided previously to FaceEnrollmentManual::add_embedding when a familiar face is identified.

This function should not be called directly after restoring from a previous state through VideoIntelligence::restore_state.

This function should not be called with results of VideoIntelligence::single_image calls.


  • person_box: A box from the most recent video frame with class_id equal to DetectionClass::CLASS_PERSON.


  • An integer face-ID as provided when calling FaceEnrollmentManual::add_embedding when a face is identified, FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED or FACE_ID_NOT_IN_LIBRARY when it is not identified successfully, or FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED when the provided box is not a valid person box.


ErrorCode get_person_box_from_face_box(
    const BoxPrediction& face_box, BoxPrediction* result_person_box) const;

Retrieve a person box corresponding to a face box.

This function should not be called with results of VideoIntelligence::single_image calls.


  • face_box: The target face to find a match for. This has to be a box from the most recent video frame.
  • result_person_box: The resulting box, only valid if the return value is true (see below). The caller needs to allocate memory for this box prior to calling this function.


  • Returns SUCCESS in case a match was found. Returns NO_BOX_MATCH if it was not possible to uniquely match a face box to a person box. Returns INVALID_BOX in case of invalid arguments.


ErrorCode get_face_box_from_person_box(const BoxPrediction& person_box,
                                       BoxPrediction* result_face_box) const;

Retrieve a face box corresponding to a person box.

This function should not be called with results of VideoIntelligence::single_image calls.


  • person_box: The target person to find a match for. This has to be a box from the most recent video frame.
  • result_face_box: The resulting box, only valid if the return value is true (see below). The caller needs to allocate memory for this box prior to calling this function.


  • Returns SUCCESS in case a match was found. Returns NO_BOX_MATCH if it was not possible to uniquely match a face box to a person box. Returns INVALID_BOX in case of invalid arguments.


static std::uint32_t embedding_version();

Returns a version number for the face embedding data used by the face identification logic.

This version can be used to check if the face embedding data generated with one version of the Plumerai software are compatible with those generated by another version of the Plumerai software.


  • The version number of the face embedding data.



ErrorCode configure_face_snapshots(const FaceSnapshotSettings& settings,
                                   std::uint8_t* buffer = nullptr,
                                   std::size_t buffer_size = 0);

Configure the face snapshots for automatic enrollment.

By default, face snapshots are disabled.

Calling this function will invalidate any stored face snapshots of faces that are already enrolled. Trying to retrieve those face snapshots will return uninitialized data. When buffer is nullptr and buffer_size is 0, the function will allocate heap memory to store the face snapshots (default, recommended). Otherwise, the function will use a user-provided buffer to store the face snapshots.



  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_ARGUMENT when the provided settings are not valid, or NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if the provided buffer is not large enough.


std::size_t get_face_snapshots_required_memory_size(
    const FaceSnapshotSettings& settings) const;

Get the required memory size for the face snapshots.

This optional function can be used to determine the required memory size for the face snapshots on system without dynamic memory allocation. See configure_face_snapshots for details.


  • settings: See FaceSnapshotSettings for more details.


  • The required memory size in bytes.


ErrorCode get_face_snapshot(const int face_id,
                            const std::uint8_t** face_snapshot_data) const;

Return a snapshot of an automatically enrolled face.

Note that INVALID_FACE_ID can be returned when a face id that was previously valid is overwritten with a new entry.


  • face_id: A non-negative integer face-id.
  • face_snapshot_data: The pointer to the stored snapshot data is returned via this output argument.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID when the specified face id could not be found, or FACE_SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED when face snapshots were not configured using configure_face_snapshots.


ErrorCode get_face_ids(int* face_ids, std::size_t* num_face_ids) const;
ErrorCode get_face_ids(std::vector<int>& face_ids) const;

Return the face ids of all automatically enrolled faces.

This list of face ids is not related to the faces currently in view. The face ids returned by this function are all faces that have ever been enrolled into the face library. To retrieve information about the faces currently in view, use FaceIdentification::get_face_id.

The caller must provide a buffer of size at least max_library_size integers.


  • face_ids: A pointer to a user-allocated list that receives the enrolled face ids. It must hold at least max_library_size integers.
  • num_face_ids: An output parameter that receives the number of returned values.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success.


ErrorCode tag_face_id(const int face_id, bool important = true);

Tag a face id as 'important' to prevent it from being overwritten.

When the face library is full and a new face is encountered, the algorithm will overwrite the oldest face in the library that is not tagged as important. A typical use-case of this is to tag a face as important when the user has named them in a front-end application.

When all entries in the face library are tagged as important and a new face is encountered, then no new faces will be enrolled.

By default, an automatically enrolled face is not tagged as important. However, library entries created by restore_embedding_data are automatically tagged as important.

Note that INVALID_FACE_ID can be returned when a face id that was previously valid is overwritten with a new entry.


  • face_id: A non-negative integer face-id.
  • important: Whether to tag the face as important or to remove a previously applied tag.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID when the specified face id could not be found.


ErrorCode remove_embedding(const int face_id);

Remove a face embedding from the face library for any VideoIntelligence::process_frame calls that follow.

Note that INVALID_FACE_ID can be returned when a face id that was previously valid is overwritten with a new entry.


  • face_id: A non-negative integer face-id.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID on failure.


ErrorCode remove_all_embeddings();

Remove all face embeddings from the face library.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success.


ErrorCode get_embedding_data(const int face_id,
                             std::vector<std::uint8_t>& embedding_data,
                             bool include_face_snapshot) const;

Get the face embedding data for a face-ID, for persistent storage.

This can for example be used to store the face library when a device shuts down and restore it later when it reboots.

This embedding data can change during any VideoIntelligence::process_frame call.

Note that INVALID_FACE_ID can be returned when a face id that was previously valid is overwritten with a new entry.

The caller must provide a buffer of size at least embedding_size bytes.


  • face_id: A non-negative integer face-id.
  • embedding_data: A pointer to a user-allocated list that receives the embedding data. It must hold at least embedding_size bytes.
  • include_face_snapshot: Whether to include the face snapshot in the embedding data. This snapshot is stored as raw RGB data.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID when the specified face id could not be found, or INTERNAL_ERROR in case of an unexpected error.


ErrorCode restore_embedding_data(
    const int face_id, const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& embedding_data);

Restore the face embedding data for a face-ID, from persistent storage.

When the specified face_id does not yet exist then it will be created. When the specified face_id already exists, the internal embedding data will be overwritten with new embedding data. If the new embedding data is corrupt, this will result in removal of the existing face embedding data.

If a new face_id was created, this function will automatically tag it as 'important', see also tag_face_id.

If the embedding data does not include a face snapshot, then the face snapshot data for this face id will contain uninitialized data. If the embedding data includes a face snapshot, then configure_face_snapshots must have been called first, with enabled set to true and the same height and width as the stored data. If the height and width do not match, then STATE_SETTINGS_MISMATCH is returned.


  • face_id: A non-negative integer face-id.
  • embedding_data: The embedding data to restore.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, or FACE_LIBRARY_FULL when the face library is full, or STATE_CORRUPT when the embedding data was corrupted. If the height and width of an included face snapshot do not match, then STATE_SETTINGS_MISMATCH is returned.


ErrorCode merge_embeddings(const int face_id_dst, const int face_id_src);

Merge two entries of the face library.

If a single person is enrolled twice in the face library, this function can be used to merge their enrollments back to a single one. After calling this function face_id_src is no longer valid and face_id_dst will be updated with the additional information from face_id_src.


  • face_id_dst: A non-negative integer face-id.
  • face_id_src: A non-negative integer face-id, must be different from face_id_dst.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID when either of the face ids could not be found, or INTERNAL_ERROR in case of an unexpected error.


static std::size_t max_face_library_size();

Returns the maximum size of the face library.

When the library is full and new faces are detected, they will overwrite older faces, except for faces that are tagged as important using tag_face_id. When all faces are tagged as important, new faces will not be added to the library beyond this maximum size.


  • The maximum size of the face library.



static std::size_t embedding_size();

Returns the size of the face embeddings obtained from finish_enrollment and required by add_embedding.


  • The size of the face embeddings.


static std::size_t max_face_library_size();

Returns the maximum size of the face library.

When the library is full, add_embedding will return FACE_LIBRARY_FULL and won't be able to add new embeddings, until FaceEnrollmentManual::remove_embedding is called.


  • The maximum size of the face library.


ErrorCode start_enrollment(const Region& region_of_interest = Region());

This starts the enrollment procedure for a new face.

During subsequent calls to VideoIntelligence::process_frame or VideoIntelligence::single_image, face embeddings will be computed. During enrollment there should be a single face in the image, or in the optional Region specified by region_of_interest (not available in the C API), ideally clearly and completely visible. The enrollment procedure can be finalized by calling finish_enrollment.


  • region_of_interest: This can be set to a region of interest in the image. Only faces that have overlap with this region will be used for enrollment. The default Region is the entire image.


  • Returns ENROLLMENT_IN_PROGRESS if the enrollment procedure was started successfully, otherwise returns ALREADY_ENROLLING.


auto pvi = plumerai::VideoIntelligence(height, width);

auto ec = pvi.face_enrollment_manual().start_enrollment();
if (ec != plumerai::ErrorCode::ENROLLMENT_IN_PROGRESS) {
  printf("ERROR: start_enrollment returned %d\n", ec);

// Process the face images
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_images; ++i) {
  ec = pvi.single_image(image, height, width);
  if (ec != plumerai::ErrorCode::ENROLLMENT_IN_PROGRESS) {
    // The image might be rejected if the face is not clearly visible
    printf("Warning, face image %d rejected: %d\n", i, ec);

int8_t embedding[FaceEnrollmentManual::embedding_size()];
ec = pvi.face_enrollment_manual().finish_enrollment(embedding);
if (ec != plumerai::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
  printf("Error: %s\n", plumerai::error_code_string(error_code));


ErrorCode finish_enrollment(std::int8_t* face_embedding);
ErrorCode finish_enrollment(std::vector<std::int8_t>& face_embedding);

Finalize the face enrollment procedure started by start_enrollment and obtain the face embedding.

The caller must provide a buffer of size embedding_size.

The application is responsible for storing this embedding on persistent storage and passing it to add_embedding every time an instance of this class is created. The face enrollment procedure does not automatically call add_embedding.

For an example, see the example under start_enrollment above.

On some platforms, a version that uses std::vector is available.


  • face_embedding: The resulting face embedding if the result is SUCCESS or LOW_QUALITY_ENROLLMENT.


  • Returns SUCCESS when enrollment was successful. Otherwise, returns one of NOT_ENROLLING, ENROLLMENT_FAILED, LOW_QUALITY_ENROLLMENT. See the enum for more information.


ErrorCode add_embedding(const std::int8_t* face_embedding,
                        std::size_t face_embedding_size, int face_id);
ErrorCode add_embedding(const std::vector<std::int8_t>& face_embedding,
                        int face_id);

Add a face embedding to the face library for any VideoIntelligence::process_frame calls that follow.

A second embedding for the same face id will overwrite the previous one. When calling FaceIdentification::get_face_id on a detected person box, it will use the face_id provided here as return value.

On some platforms, a version that uses std::vector is available.


  • face_embedding: A face embedding as obtained from finish_enrollment.
  • face_embedding_size: Only used in the case when face_embedding is a raw pointer: the size of the face embedding data.
  • face_id: An integer face-id, is not allowed to be equal to FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED or FACE_ID_NOT_IN_LIBRARY.




auto pvi = plumerai::VideoIntelligence(height, width);

std::vector<std::int8_t> face_embedding = ...;

// Add with face-id 3
auto error_code =
    pvi.face_enrollment_manual().add_embedding(face_embedding, 3);

if (error_code != plumerai::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
  printf("Error: %s\n", plumerai::error_code_string(error_code));


ErrorCode get_face_ids(int* face_ids, std::size_t* num_face_ids) const;

Return the face ids of all enrolled faces.

This list of face ids is not related to the faces currently in view. The face ids returned by this function are all faces that have ever been enrolled into the face library. To retrieve information about the faces currently in view, use FaceIdentification::get_face_id.

The caller must provide a buffer of size at least max_library_size integers.


  • face_ids: A pointer to a user-allocated list that receives the enrolled face ids. It must hold at least max_library_size integers.
  • num_face_ids: An output parameter that receives the number of returned values.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success.


ErrorCode remove_embedding(int face_id);

Remove a face embedding from the face library for any VideoIntelligence::process_frame calls that follow.



  • Returns SUCCESS on success, INVALID_FACE_ID on failure.


ErrorCode remove_all_embeddings();

Remove all face embeddings from the face library.


  • Returns SUCCESS on success.


struct Region {
  float y_min = 0.0f;  // top coordinate between 0 and 1 in height dimension
  float x_min = 0.0f;  // left coordinate between 0 and 1 in width dimension
  float y_max = 1.0f;  // bottom coordinate between 0 and 1 in height dimension
  float x_max = 1.0f;  // right coordinate between 0 and 1 in width dimension

A structure representing a region of the input image. Coordinates are between 0 and 1, the origin is at the top-left.


static const int FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED = -1;
static const int FACE_ID_NOT_IN_LIBRARY = -2;

If the face-identification model is not confident about a face, it will output FACE_ID_UNIDENTIFIED. If the model is confident that a face is not in the face library, it will output FACE_ID_NOT_IN_LIBRARY.